Manifest a Return RMA Order

Updated on · 3 min read

Once the return has been approved, create an RMA link for each parcel using the API endpoint below. If a customer's order is made up of multiple packages, a label is needed for each of those packages.

The information that is requested from the customer via the generated RMA link depends on the information that has been provided upfront by the retailer in the API request.


Staging Endpoint
Production Endpoint
   "product": {
      "group": "returns",
   	  "type": "rma",
      "billed_to": "retailer"
   "sender": [
         "first_name": "John",
         "last_name": "Lightman",
         "mobile": "0439403920",
         "email": ""
   "receiver": [
      	 "retailer_name": "JoJam"
   "order": {
      "order_reference": "DFK07DWwV",
   "test_mode": false


Name Type Required Description
product Map Yes Details about the Parcelpoint product you want to use to create an order
group String Yes The Parcelpoint product you want to use to create an order, for Returns use returns
type String Yes The Parcelpoint product type that you will use to create the order. For RMA use rma
billed_to String Yes Defines the payee of order. For customer paid use customer, for retailer paid use retailer
Name Type Required Description
sender Array Yes Details about the sender of the package
first_name String Yes The first name of the sender
last_name String Yes The last name of the sender
email String No The email address of the sender. This is used to provide updates to the sender on the status of the package. Required if mobile is not provided
mobile String No The mobile phone number of the sender. This is used to provide updates to the sender on the status of the package. Required if email is not provided
Name Type Required Description
receiver Map Yes Details about the receiver of the package. You will need at least one receiver for the order to be successful
retailer_name String Yes Name of the retailer. This will be shown in all customer notifications and tracking
Name Type Required Description
order Map Yes Details of the package. Our system is designed on the basis that 1 parcel is 1 order
order_reference String Yes The reference used by the retailer to identify the customer, commonly known as the Order ID that is sent in the invoice or purchase confirmation to the customer
rma_reference String No The reference used by the retailer to identify the RMA
Name Type Required Description
test_mode Boolean Yes Indicates if this is live package or a test package


   "parcel_code": "PFMDCJF3",
   "status": "APPROVED",
   "group": "returns",
   "type": "rma",
   "billed_to": "retailer",
   "sender": [
         "first_name": "John",
         "last_name": "Lightman",
         "mobile": "0439403920",
         "email": "",
   "receiver": [
      	 "retailer": "JoJam"
   "order": {
      "order_reference": "DFK07DWwV",
      "tracking_url": "",
      "authorised_url": ""
   "test_mode": false


Name Type Description
parcel_code String The Parcelpoint UUID for the parcel. The customer is required to show this to the Parcelpoint location to return their parcel
status String Current status of the return
group String The Parcelpoint product used when creating the order
type String The Parcelpoint product type used when creating the order
billed_to String Defines the payee of order. Customer paid uses customer, retailer paid uses retailer
Name Type Description
sender Array Details about the sender of the package
first_name String The first name of the sender
last_name String The last name of the sender
email String The email address of the sender
mobile String The mobile phone number of the sender
Name Type Description
receiver Array Details about the receiver of the package
retailer String Name of the retailer that will be receiving the parcel
Name Type Description
order Map Details of the package
order_reference String The reference used by the retailer to identify the customer, commonly known as the Order ID that is sent in the invoice or purchase confirmation to the customer
rma_reference String The reference used by the retailer to identify the RMA
tracking_url String Unique URL used to track the package
authorised_url String Unique Authorised URL used to complete the booking by the customer. This link expires once the parcel status is BOOKED
Name Type Description
test_mode Boolean Indicates if this is live package or a test package